The Polar Bear
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in coastal waters. Their feet are very large and slightly webbed,
allowing them to swim long distances
In fact, some polar bears have been
seen swimming hundreds of miles,
although some of that was
probably covered by
floating on a sheet of ice.
Polar Bears live in one of the
coldest environments on
Earth. Type: Mammal
The Arctic Region. Polar Bears depend Diet: carnivore
on their thick creamy-white fur for camouflage Average Life Span In
and warmth. Under that fur is a layer Wild: 25-30 years
of warming fat. Polar Bears Size: Head and
are also covered in black Body 7.25 to 8 ft
skin. Their is even a layer of (2.2 to 2.5 M ); tail,
fur under their paws for good grip 3.5 in ( 7.5 720 KG )
and protecting against the ice they Weight: 900-1,600
stroll on.This carnivores bear LBS (410-720 KG)
feeds on seals and consume carcasses. Size relative to a
Females den by digging into deep 6ft ( 2 M ) man:
snow drifts. They usually
Young cubs live with their mother for about 28
months to learn survival skills.
Females protects her cubs
aggressively against the male, who may
even eat his cubs and/or any other
young cub in its species.