"Do You Really Know What's Going On?"

Sunday, April 6, 2014



Welcome to my first blog post. Today I will be giving out some facts I have collected during the past couple of days.

  • The Mid-summer female coral snakes lay 3-12 eggs at a time
  • Unlike eggs that harden after laying, coral snake eggs are soft and leathery
  • Coral snake eggs hatch about 2-3 months after being laid
  • Mother King Penguins lay one egg at a time
  • King Penguin eggs hatch about 55 days after being laid
  • Instead of building nest for their young like most birds do, Kind Penguins keep their eggs propped between their belly and feet
  • Female robins lay 3-5 eggs at a time
  • Robin chicks leave the nest about 2 weeks after hatching
  • Robin eggs hatch about 2 weeks after being laid

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