"Do You Really Know What's Going On?"

Sunday, April 6, 2014


                       Terms to Know (about Endangerment)

Conservation: The study and practice of preventing the loss of plant and animal life.

Endangered Species: a plant or animal that will become extinct unless their causes of endangerment is stopped.

Poaching: The Illegal killing or removal of wildlife from its habitat.

Captive Breeding: The mating of animals inside of zoos or wildlife reserves.

Threatened Species: A species that can become endangered in the near future.

Habitat Fragmentation: Cutting Large habitats into smaller, isolated pieces.

Habitat Destruction: The loss of a natural habitat

Extinction: The disappearance of all members of a species from earth


  1. Thanks. This helped me study a bit!

    1. No problem! Just trying to inform people on whats really going on
