"Do You Really Know What's Going On?"

Sunday, April 13, 2014

Polar Bear

                                    The Polar Bear

polar bear paw
  Polar Bears roam ice sheets and swim
in coastal waters. Their feet are very large and slightly webbed,
allowing them to swim long distances
 In fact, some polar bears have been
seen swimming hundreds of miles,
although some of that was
probably covered by
floating on a sheet of ice.
Polar Bears live in one of the
coldest environments on
Earth.                                                                                                               Type: Mammal
The Arctic Region. Polar Bears depend                                                         Diet: carnivore
on their thick creamy-white fur for camouflage                                             Average Life Span In
and warmth. Under that fur is a layer                                                             Wild: 25-30 years
of warming fat. Polar Bears                                                                            Size: Head and
are also covered in black                                                                                 Body 7.25 to 8 ft
skin. Their is even a layer of                                                                          (2.2 to 2.5 M ); tail,
fur under their paws for good grip                                                                  3.5 in  ( 7.5 720 KG )
and protecting against the ice they                                                                 Weight: 900-1,600
stroll on.This carnivores bear                                                                          LBS (410-720 KG)
feeds on seals and consume carcasses.                                                           Size relative to a
Females den by digging into deep                                                                  6ft ( 2 M ) man:
snow drifts. They usually
give birth to twins in the winter.
Young cubs live with their mother for about 28
months to learn survival skills.
Females protects her cubs
aggressively against the male, who may
even eat his cubs and/or any other
young cub in its species.

Monday, April 7, 2014

Think Before You do

Author's quick Note:

      Many people don't notice what's happening. Animals have been going extinct for as long as time began, but today people don't realize that we are the problem. Of course there is global warming and other things but, humans are the biggest threat to animals. Some of the most distinct and extraordinary animals have left us in the last century. Poachers go after animals with beautifully patterned fur or skin. They also go after materials and items such as an elephants tusk, which is made of ivory. Poaching is illegal. Even if you pay to do it you could still go to jail if someone caught you. Think before you do.

Sunday, April 6, 2014



Welcome to my first blog post. Today I will be giving out some facts I have collected during the past couple of days.

  • The Mid-summer female coral snakes lay 3-12 eggs at a time
  • Unlike eggs that harden after laying, coral snake eggs are soft and leathery
  • Coral snake eggs hatch about 2-3 months after being laid
  • Mother King Penguins lay one egg at a time
  • King Penguin eggs hatch about 55 days after being laid
  • Instead of building nest for their young like most birds do, Kind Penguins keep their eggs propped between their belly and feet
  • Female robins lay 3-5 eggs at a time
  • Robin chicks leave the nest about 2 weeks after hatching
  • Robin eggs hatch about 2 weeks after being laid

Extinct Mammals

                        List Of Recently Extinct Mammals

Zanzibar Leopard
Caribbean Monk Seal
Pyrenean Ibex
Baiji River Dolphin
Passenger Pigeon
Bubal Hartebeest
Javan Tiger
western african black rhino
falkland island wolf
caspian tiger
Pinta Island Tortoise
Mexican Grizzly Bear
Japanese Sea Lion
Arabian Ostrich
Plains Zebra
Asiatic Wild Donkey
American Cheetah
schomburgk's deer
Narragansett Pacer
Broad-Faced Potoroo
Big-Eared hopping mouse
Dark Flying Fox


                       Terms to Know (about Endangerment)

Conservation: The study and practice of preventing the loss of plant and animal life.

Endangered Species: a plant or animal that will become extinct unless their causes of endangerment is stopped.

Poaching: The Illegal killing or removal of wildlife from its habitat.

Captive Breeding: The mating of animals inside of zoos or wildlife reserves.

Threatened Species: A species that can become endangered in the near future.

Habitat Fragmentation: Cutting Large habitats into smaller, isolated pieces.

Habitat Destruction: The loss of a natural habitat

Extinction: The disappearance of all members of a species from earth